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Over 100 thousand households applied for energy compensation during cold season

13:30 | 07.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 7 /MOLDPRES/- Since the launch of registration on platform, more than 100 thousand households have applied for energy compensation during the cold season.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, to benefit from compensation in the cold season, people can register by November 25. At the same time, if they encounter difficulties during registration, they can contact the support team, at the green line 0 8000 5000 or at

Also, people who do not have access to the Internet or have difficulties in registering on the platform will be able to call on social workers or local librarians. Specialists of the unified centers for the provision of public services in the rural localities of the country are ready to offer support to all people in order to access public services in electronic format, including when registering and submitting the online application on platform.

Starting from November 1, citizens can register on the platform to benefit from state financial support in 2023-2024 cold season.

This year, people will benefit from two types of compensation - in invoice and in monetary form - aid for the cold season (APRA) of 800 lei, for households that heat with wood or coal. In the current year there will be seven categories of energy vulnerability: primary, extreme, very high, high, medium, low and no vulnerability.


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