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Over two thousand farmers to be supported by state to overcome 2022 crises

14:05 | 07.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 7 /MOLDPRES/- Over two thousand files were found eligible for granting one-off aid for micro and small farmers, affected by the consequences of the 2022 crises, according to Vasile Şarban, secretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA).

According to the official, the financial aid will be given to farmers who prepared the soil and sowed crops of the first group (wheat and barley, oats and triticale), primary products that are the basis of socially important products, as well as in the composition of animal feed. The current price offered for these types of goods is one that does not cover the investments, and farmers risk not being able to fulfill their contractual commitments.

"The granting of financial support will help about 3,000 farmers, who own areas of up to 1,500 ha. These aids will facilitate the cultivation of about 280 thousand ha of land sown with crops of the first group, according to statistic statements. Calculating and granting aid in limited terms will facilitate and amplify farmers' actions, ensuring the continuity of the food chain", said Şarban.

The aid is calculated by the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) under the applications. The method of calculating the aid is carried out after identifying the eligible areas per applicant and the category coefficient, depending on the managed areas.

"Agriculture benefits from massive subsidies of over 1 billion 700 thousand lei annually, because we want this sector to gradually become more technological and less vulnerable to external challenges. The enormous effort we are making today, together with the whole society, will help farmers overcome the financial difficulties they have", Şarban said.

The government has allocated 200 million lei (10 million euros) for micro and small farmers, affected by the 2022 crises. According to statistic statements, the aid would facilitate the cultivation of about 280 thousand ha of land sown with crops of the first group (wheat, barley, oats).


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