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Moldovan Prime Minister on European Commission's decision

11:20 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- It is an important day for the Republic of Moldova. We are optimistic. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement in the context in which today the European Commission will present the 2023 Enlargement Package, in which it will assess whether our country is ready to start accession negotiations to the European Union.

"It is a very important day for all of us. Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu is in Brussels. We are optimistic. We continue working with even greater intensity for European integration, to build Europe here at home. We want to work with even greater intensity", said Dorin Recean.

The European Commission will present today the 2023 Enlargement Package, in which it will assess whether the Republic of Moldova is ready to start accession negotiations. According to MEP Siegfried Muresan, in the case of approval by the Commission, the European Council will have to take a final decision in this regard at December 14-15 meeting.


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