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New unit of rescuers and firemen to be built in Holercani village

12:58 | 08.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- Over 37 thousand inhabitants of Dubăsari, Criuleni and Orhei districts will benefit from better emergency services, thanks to the construction of a new unit of rescuers and firemen. Government approved the transfer to the state property of a plot of land located in the village of Holercani, Dubăsari district, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The creation of the rescuers and firefighters unit will allow reducing intervention time to liquidate the consequences of emergency situations from 30-40 minutes to 5-15 minutes. The rescuers and firefighters will intervene in Butuceni, Holercani, Marcauți, Ustia, Trebujeni and Morovaia, in the case of high-level emergencies, and in 15 other localities in the region - II level emergencies.

The new unit of about 400 m2 will be built using energy-efficient technologies to reduce maintenance costs. 


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