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About 300 wines produced by Moldovan wine-makers registered for national contest Wine of Moldova

17:23 | 08.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - About 300 wines produced by Moldovan wine-makers have been registered to be assessed by a specialized jury at the second edition of the national contest, Wine of Moldova. Thus, those 60 wine-making companies brought together under the country wine brand, Wine of Moldova. A living legend, have chances for their products to be included in the specialized guide, elaborated at the end of the competition, which will be used for the promotion and positioning on the local and international markets.    

The second issue of the national contest, Wine of Moldova, will take place on 9 and 10 November and will organized by the National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV), with the support of the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry, with the backing of the strategic partner USAID Moldova, through the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity Project.     

The contest’s jury is made up of 30 foreign and local experts, who will assess the organoleptic qualities of the Wine of Moldova, in accordance with the rules of the specialized international competitions of the International Organization of Vine and Wine. 

The competition will pay special attention to the wines of native varieties, from new varieties of Moldovan selection, wines got through their combination with the ones from European varieties, as well as alcoholic drinks of vine and wine origin.    

The winners will be announced at the Vernissage of Wine, the winter edition.  


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