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Moldova to have law for protection of commercial secrets

16:32 | 08.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will have a law on the protection of commercial secrets, adjusted to the European Union’s legislation. The parliament’s commission for economy, budget and finances today approved the report on the draft law to this end.

The draft of the special law merges both the material legal norms and the procedural ones, providing a rapprochement with the international instruments in the field of intellectual property.  

The document defines the basic concepts – the commercial secret, holder and person who makes the commercial secret – and establishes the limits of the enforcement of the normative framework.  

Also, the ways of getting, use and divulging of commercial secrets, as well as the rights of the holders of commercial secrets are provided for in the law.   

The draft also proposes the establishment of additional measures of protection of commercial secrets, as well as procedures of intervention, in order to counteract the actions of illegal use.  

Under the draft, the limitation period of six months is to be enforced for  the actions which regard the protection of commercial secrets. The infringement of the norms on the protection of commercial secrets will entail contravention or criminal liability.  

Presently, the legal regime of the protection of commercial secrets is regulated by the Civil Law.



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