Lucrările la linia electrică Vulcănești – Chișinău se desfășoară conform graficului, pe o distanță de 65 de km: au fost turnate 190 de fundații și instalați 30 de piloni
The march of the works at the 400 kV overhead power line (OPL) Vulcanesti-Chisinau has been considered at a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. The implementer of the project, construction companies and other institutions involved participated in the event.
The PM stressed the strategic importance of this infrastructure project for the country’s energy security, in the context of the present realities. Recean asked all sides involved to mobilize and not allow delays in the schedule of carrying out of works. The deadline for the completion of the construction and putting the OPL into operation is December this year.
„Within the Vulcanesti-Chisinau power line functional, we will be able to transport electric energy without passing through the energy knot of the Kuchurgan power station (MGRES); thus, Russia will lose its last instrument of energy blackmail against our country. Therefore, it is important that the works are sped up and carried out on term,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean emphasized.
At the same time, the PM, asked the companies in charge of the construction: KEC International Limited, consortium of companies Siemens Energy Ltd - Electromontaj stock company - Energotech stock company to submit the schedule on the carrying out of the works, updated according to the request and to weekly report the progress made to the Energy Ministry and the Consolidated Unit for the Implementation and Monitoring of Projects in Energy Sector (UCIPE). The participants in the meeting informed that the Chisinau power station would be finished till August 2025.
To optimize the process of monitoring of the works’ execution, the representatives of UCIPE and Energy Ministry will pay weekly or biweekly visits to the places of carrying out of the works of construction/modernization/extension within PDSE, in order to register the progress.
The general progress of implementation of the works of construction of OPL is of about 49 per cent and comprises about 190 foundations and 30 pillars assembled out of a total number of 500 and the construction site stretches on a distance of about 65 km.
The constructions works were effectively launched in last April, following the elaboration and approval of the technical project and the fulfillment of the conditions precursory to the works. The latter are underway in the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, the districts of Leova, Cahul and Taraclia. The materials and components necessary for the construction of OPL were produced and delivered in a volume of 90 per cent.
At the same time, to manage to carry out the works on term, , KEC International Limited gave assurances that, starting from next March, after the weather is warming, it would increase the number of workers on the ground.
According to UCIPE, the works are carried out in continuous pace. During the winter months, another 50 pillars are to be assembled. Nevertheless, the pace of the work is conditioned by the weather conditions and the planning of the works and working teams on the ground is made in line with the working plan agreed upon, according to which OPL will be made available for use in the end of the 2025 year.
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